Assessment Data

Assessment serves many purposes, but the main purpose of assessment in our school is to help teachers, parents/carers and pupils plan their next steps in learning. We also use the outcomes of assessment to evaluate our provision and to help us improve.

We use Pupil Asset system as a tool for gathering our observations and assessment evidence together. This helps the teacher to identify gaps in children’s learning, which are then used to inform their planning. The system also enables attainment and progress to be tracked by child, class, year group and the whole school, to support the school’s self-evaluation as well as providing useful evidence for governors, the local authority and school inspectors.

Each child is assessed against the Attainment Targets in the Programmes of Study from the new National Curriculum. Each half term, a summative assessment is made that judges whether the child is:

  • working towards expected
  • expected 
  • working at greater depth

Class teachers will discuss how each child is progressing with parents and carers at termly parents’ evenings and summarise their children’s attainment and progress in annual reports.

Department for Education Performance Tables


 Children in EYFS are assessed throughout the year using the curriculum guidance ‘Development Matters’ . At the end of the school year they are assessed against 17 Early Learning Goals.

2021-2022 70% of children achieved a good level of development.


Year 1

The Phonics Screening Check takes place in June. The test is administered individually to the children. 

 In 2021-2022 74% of children passed at year 1

Those children who do not meet the expected standard are retested in year 2.


Year 2

Teachers submit a teacher assessment grade at the end of year 2. This grade is supported by statutory tests in reading and maths.

In 2021 – 2022  44% of children reached the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics.